by Yumna | Oct 20, 2021 | Blog
Thank you to Liani Austin for sharing this insightful blog post with us today. Liani is a school-based occupational therapist with two beautiful children and a heart for adoption. She is also holds the Publications portfolio on the SAISI Board. She enjoys writing...
by Yumna | Apr 28, 2021 | Blog
Today’s blog post was written by Lara Mather, who is currently busy with her Ayres Sensory Integration training courses through SAISI. In honour of Autism Awareness Month To all my beautiful children on the spectrum, thank you for teaching me that in order to...
by Yumna | Feb 26, 2020 | Blog
In Part II of the blog post on occupational performance, ASI-trained therapist Tharina Annandale looks at how sensory preferences affect leisure choice, which also has a close link to mental health. Occupational performance can be defined as different aspects...
by Yumna | Oct 9, 2019 | Blog
With awareness of autism and appreciation of neurodiversity increasing globally, therapeutic approaches to help autistic children with those areas in which they experience participation challenges are under scrutiny now more than ever. This blog explores six myths...