Clinical Observations and Gross Motor Booklets (available to OTs only)


2 in stock (can be backordered)



The SAISI Clinical Observations were based on the work and research done by J. Ayres, and were meant to be used in conjunction with a parent interview, a sensory-motor history and the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) in order to obtain a clear picture of the child’s strengths and weaknesses.

Clinical Observations are not standardised and are supplemental to formal standardised testing.  They are done to provide more information, add on to information recorded in standardised testing and/or assist the clinician’s analyses of testing information recorded.

They consist of a manual which is divided into parts, namely Part 1: Administration, observations, scoring and Part 2: Interpretation. A video of the administration is also included.

In 2003 the Clinical Observations of Gross Motor Items were added to expand on the original SAISI Clinical Observations. The age band is wider for 4 to 10 years. It consists of:

  • Video of Administration of Gross Motor Items and Developmental Trends
  • Manual
  • Record Form (x5)
  • Age-Related Guidelines
  • General Observation Checklist

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 28 × 20 × 7 cm